Class of 2013 Inductees are as follows...Pioneer Era...Sandor Szabo and Dick Shikat...TV Era...Bill Watts and Baron Von Raschke....Tag Team... The Assassins {Jody Hamilton and Tom Renesto}...Modern Era...Tito Santana and Dick Murdoch....Colleague...J.J. Dillon....Ladies...Joyce Grable....International...El Santo...
Induction Dinner will be held on May 18th at the Holiday Inn 308 Comrie Avenue Johnstown, NY 12095....518 762-4686...ask for PWHF rate if staying overnight..
there is a Super 8 across the street at 301 Comrie Ave Johnstown, NY ...518 736-1800...we do not have a special rate at this hotel...
ticket info for Induction Dinner and Meet and Greet will be posted soon....hope to see you there!!!
Viva El Santo!