JJ Dillon...Jim Hacksaw Duggan...and Paul Orndorff will be at the Hall of Fame in the next couple of months...
JJ Dillon will be at the PWHF Sunday October 14th from noon until 2pm...autographed picture of JJ... or a picture with JJ...$10.00 each...
Jim Hacksaw Duggan will be at the PWHF on Saturday October 27th, 2-4pm...autographed PWHF poster of Hacksaw $15.00 each....pictures with Hacksaw $10.00 each...
Paul Orndorff will be at the PWHF on Sunday November 18th from noon until 2pm...Autographed PWHF poster of Paul Orndorff $15.00 each...picture with Paul is $10.00 each...
If you cannot make these signings and you want an autographed picture of JJ Dillon or autographed PWHF poster of Duggan or Orndorff..send $10.00 for Dillon or $15.00 for Duggan or Orndorff... to PWHF...PO Box 434...Latham, NY 12110...Make sure to make checks out to the PWHF...
Hacksaw Duggan and JJ Dillon will have their books on hand for sale as well....
anything larger than a picture or poster you want to have signed...please include postage in your check to the PWHF